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Friday, April 28, 2006 ; 7:44 PM
blahz blahz blahz
hey DUDES!!! yesterday was TPJC runway, and much to my total surprise, against all odds, they actually managed to pull it off, and this is like good news, as becuz of this, we'll get to organize one next year!!! yay!
it was actually pretty cool, not at all boring, except 4 the lousy sound system...
the clothes weren't too bad too, but 4 some reason, debra who we all thot was the best model didn't win any thing, and this freeky girl who bears total resemblence to a mechanical twig actually won something... SHEESH.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 ; 10:29 PM
okay... i'm officially slacking off in JC... was supposed to clear my homework and actually start revising during the weekend, but what did i actually do? i SLACKED OFF!!! let me recount wahat i did... friday nite, went out with jaz, nic and the guys, to check out some band at prince of wales, tumbled into bed at around 3 plus, AM ! at least i didn't get too drunk. saturday, woke up at 12plus, tried to do homework for an hour or so, and then, who but STUPID Ridzuan banged on my front door, ended up going to play soccer with him and the guys... SHEESH. my day ended in tradgedy man, a little homework done, and a whole lot of brusies and cuts... i totally decided to study on sunday, but after church, DAMIAN insisted that i would have time for work later, and dragged me to pizza hut. Okay, so it was fun, SO what! no time to do homework k! then at 12, when i was trying to do geog, who would call, but ish, to play SOCCER! hell, soccer is the bane of my life... the cause of my slackering ways, and its prob gonna make me fall asleep in class! NO MORE SOCCER!!!!!!!

haiz, i really miss the good ole days in PL, where sleeping or reading or spacing out in class wasn't an offence, and homework could be copied, or not done at all, and when we used to sneak food into class, or how we kept all our books under our table, and on the last day of school, you could see ppl lugging home boxes full of books, and rubbish like that...

oh well, to all those other ppl suffering in JCland out there, all i can say to you is JIA YOU!!!! suffer thru 1 and a 1/2 more years and it'll be over!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 ; 3:25 AM
OMG! JC IS SO HECTIC ARGHZ!!!! I'VE GOT SO MUCH HOMEWORK TO DO AND NOT ENOUGH TIME! okay, should stop the caps. JC life is so different from secondary school life man... i remember the good old days back in PL, no need to do homework, after school we could hang out and stuff, next day just copy the homework at school... but JC is so different. if u don't do tutorials, you don't understand anything, CULTURESHOCK!!!! first time in my life i come home everyday, and just start doing homework... i've got NO semblance of a life. thank god for those mini-class outings and those late-night excursions with max, or i would just being seeing school, bus, home everyday till the weekend...

one more thing about my school, i realized it's kinda like a party school of something, i've been in this school for like total of what 2 weeks? and i've already gotten like emails in my acc. for weird stuff like parties at zouk, MoS and stuff... weirdest thing is that it's the school period now, not the holidays... wonder whats gonna happen during the holidays man...

i think i'm coming down with a flu... i can't breathe properly... must be that day lah... played soccer in the rain with max and co. SHEESH... why do we keep doing idiotic things like that? GOD KNOWS man.

Monday, April 03, 2006 ; 2:51 AM
random stuff

my class is fun. when i first saw my class, i thought they were like super boring, but actually, they're fun. i mean yeah, real funny and stuff...
but if we keep going out like that, i think i'll be totally broke by the end of the year...
we went to swensens on the first "class outing" if you could call that one... then pizza hut...
so all u concerned friends out there don't worry man, TPJC is actually quite fun after all!

anyway, on to other stuff... met Far the other day, quite weird right? after like so many years, gonna play soccer together another day. must meet up man all of the crappy ppl... so sad we lost contact after boxing together for like how many freaking years..

also, went out with cat and yixiu on sat... spent lots of my paycheck... burnt a hole in my pocket.
you know what, the coffee bean has pretty good sandwiches, better than deli's if i may say so.
the salad dressing is real Good!